At Tiger Lifting, we think that anything that helps the many parties in the lifting equipment supply chain become more sustainable and efficient is a really positive step. The SupraTag is highly corrosion and impact resistant and when it (or other embedded RFID chips) are linked with the RiConnect system, digitalised product information relating to usability and traceability of a product is readily accessible.

Sustainability is increasingly important. Quality, reliability and serviceability of products, increasing product life cycles, is essential. Making use of digitalisation technologies like RFID (which is within the SupraTag) to digitalise inspection management systems and efficiently manage inventory will become important. Having instructions, certification, inspection information and checklists available digitally helps companies manage their environmental impact and reduces time for equipment to be put into service making for more efficient operations.
For more information please see our press and news article.
For the Supratag technical sheet please click here.
To download the RiConnect app please click here.

RiConnect Registration

RiConnect is an asset management tool which is controlled through cloud-based software. RiConnect provides not just a solution for asset management but also a platform for efficient and accurate information transaction between different parties along the supply chain, including product manufacturers, asset owners, and inspection service providers. It helps to maximize the utilization of assets, and optimise asset maintenance and inspection plans, while fulfilling the needs of all the stakeholders in the process.
For more information please see our press and news article.
For the RiConnect technical sheet please click here.
To download the RiConnect app please click here.